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الرئيسية » قصيدة(poem


  • بواسطة

As the shadows of the night fly everywhere

And the sound of life has vanished in the darkness

There you are, wandering in this sea of blackness

Only hearing your own wounded heart’s beat

As your wounds get wider and wider

You can’t see blood but the pain is growing stronger and stronger

Silent tears fall down your burning cheeks

Yes, you let them fall..

And then, who would notice them?

Can’t find your way


Your body can’t pull through anymore


You feel your breath getting heavier and heavier..

Tripping with a dead body lying on the ground…

Your eyes are widening


This once strong body of yours collapses on this dead land

Knowing there’s only death flying in this ominous sky

Empty of all memories of happiness

Only images of sorrow creeping into your mind

Realizing you’re alone here

Every hope of surviving is drifting away

You know the end of this misery is coming…

Moments later

A loud cry rises in the air

Announcing the end of another life

Your words frightened me
sorry but I felt that is not going to have a happy ending but belive me life is so colourfull so shining you have to let yourself try it.


تسلم يمينك

لكن يا إخوة
به أحد منكم قراء قصيدة Darkness
والله أعدها من أروع ما إطلعت عليه من الشعر الإنجليزي

thankssssss that was so great

الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك … لك مني أجمل تحية .


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