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الرئيسية » ألأهداف العامة والخاصة لتدريس اللغة الأنجليزية

ألأهداف العامة والخاصة لتدريس اللغة الأنجليزية

General Aims of Learning English
1- To afford the intermediate and secondary school pupils a window on the world.

2- To give them an experience of delight through reading samples of English that have a universal appeal both in arts and in science.

3- To cultivate them critical thinking as a useful tool to intelligent reading of texts.

4- To enhance the pupils’ imaginations by means of imagery and visualizations of the characters.

5- To provide the pupils who intend to join the university with adequate knowledge to help them in their future.
Specific Aims of Teaching English
1- To master the different skills of language which are listening ,speaking ,reading and writing.

2- To foster in the pupil an interest in reading references ,periodicals and pamphlets

3- To help the pupils to understand the methods of looking up the new words by
using a dictionary.

4- To enhance the pupils to participate in the morning broadcast by presenting
English activities.

5- To gain a reasonable command of English to be better in defending Islam against adverse criticism and participate in Islamic culture.


May Allah protect you

جزاك الله خيراااا

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