السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أرجو أن يفيدكم هذا الطرح البسيط ودمتم
Q 1 – Read the passage below , then answer the following questions :
William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Startford-on- Avon England . His father was a glove maker . His school
was so strict . He had to study hard to avoid punishment . At the age of fourteen , Shakespeare had to leave his school to
help his father in his business .
When he was at the age of eighteen , he married Ann Hathaway . In 1592 , he decided to leave his family in Start-
ford to seek his fortune in London . Each year he returned to spend time with his family in his home town . Shakespeare
wrote 35 plays and as many as 154 poems . Some of the most famous plays are Romeo & Juliet , Othello , Hamlet and
Macbeth . The famous quote " to be or not to be " is taken from Hamlet . In 1612 , he returned to his birth place where
he lived for the rest of his life . He died of a fever on his birthday in 1616 .
a-When was Shakespeare born , and where ? answer
b- How old was he when he had to leave his school ?
*13 * 14 * 15 * 16 chooes
c- He married Ann Hathaway at the age of ……………………. . complete
d- The famous quoet " to be or not to be " is taken from ……………………… complete
e- Shakespeare wrote 30 plays and 150 poems . ( ) { T * F }
f- He died of a fever on his birthday in 1612 . ( ) { T * F }
Q2 ) A : – Answer the following general question :
1-What is your name ? …………………………………………………
2- How are you ? …………………………………………………..
3-Where are you from ? ……………………………………………………..
4- How old are you ? ……………………………………………………..
Q2 ) B :- Write instructions of the post card below :
Dear Ali ,
My name is Youssif . I am 29 years old . I am an English teacher
at bin Hisham Intermesiate School . I am so happy to teach my student-
s . And I wish to them to have a good life after they graduate from the
school .
Q3) A : – Fill in the space below by using words between parantheses :
{ Future – action & adventure – wedding – Einstien – Motivation – Bette Nesmith Graham }
1- Liquid paper was the invention of ……………………………………….. .
2- ……………………………….is time to come .
3- " Congratulations " is an expression that we say it in ………………………… .
4- ………………………………….. a moving power that makes a person act .
5- " Ice age " is an ………………………………………. film .
6- …………………………..said that " The important thing is never to stop questioning " .
Q3 ) B:- Match between pictures and its names :
a-frame b- horror c- screw driver d- calculator
( ) ( ) ( )
Q4) A: – Choose the corrct answers below :
a-Turn off the tape recorder by { push – pushing – pushs – pushed } the stop button .
b- Junaderiah is the place { which – who – where – when } saudi people show their heritage .
c- In April 1912 , While the Titanic { crossing – was crossing – were crossing – cross } the Atlantic to U.S.A
it hit an iceberg .
d- would you mind { stop – stopped – stopping – stops } by a subermarket , please ?
e- Can you transfer the call ? { He wants to know can you transfer the call –
He wants to know if you can transfer the call –
He wanted to know you can transfer the call –
He wanted to know if he can transfer thr call }
Q4 ) B:- Choose the correct spelling of the following :
{ A } { B } { C }
Happeness Healthy wisdum
Happiness Heelthy wisdam
Happiniss heilthy wisdom
Q4 ) B:- Choose the correct spelling of the following :
3 { A } { B } { C } Happiness Heelthy wisdam Happiniss heilthy wisdom |
I like this kind of question
Thanks a lot