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الرئيسية » ارجو الاجابة عن هذه الاسئلة .

ارجو الاجابة عن هذه الاسئلة .

  • بواسطة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
عندي كم سؤال عام وابغى اجاباتهن لو سمحتو باسرع وقت …. شرط ان تكون الاجابات صحيحة قواعديا واملائيا (يعني صح السبيلينق)

name two occasions that people celebrate in your country ?
name two types of stories ?
give examples: Healthy food like ……………. unhealthy food like ..
what does a book cover tell you ?
do we learn from other’s people experiences ?
why inventions are important ?
do people have different customs ? why

شاكرا لكم تعاونكم وجهودكم …

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

تفضل اخي الكريم الاجابات :-

name two occasions that people celebrate in your country

There are National day and
AlJanadriyah festival

name two types of stories

There are horror and comedy

give examples: Healthy food like ……………. unhealthy food like
.Healthy food like fruit and vegetables
unhealthy food like cake and french fries

what does a book cover tell you ?

it tells me an author’s name and the price.

do we learn from other’s people experiences ?
Yes,we do

why inventions are important ?

Because they save time

do people have different customs ? why
Yes,they do
Because their countries and regions are different


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