السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
انا عندي اسئلة وتكفون داخل على الله ثم عليكم لاتخيبوني
وابغا الاجابات ادا ماعليكم امر وكل ماستعجلت الاجابة كل ما صار احسن
لان السبت عندي اختبار وثقتي بكم كبيرة وانشالله مابطلع الا الاجوبه عندي
بسم الله هذي الاسئلة :
1 _ ______ Reduse means
2_ _____ autumn And Sprig are
3_ this car has two main. ______ It’s very old very costly.
4_people pften like to sit out side And _____ The stars at night
5_ camels And hourses Are _____ ways Of traveling. Traditional
6_ our hourse Is _____ . they only finished it last week
7_ _____liters are used for.
8_ _____ the ability to do work is called .
9_ soft drinks _____ a lot oif sugar .
10_ _____we find old broken cars in a.
11_ _____chocolate and cake are kinds of .
12_ we are not staying here long. It’s not our _____ home .
13_ the test was very _____ . every
14_if you _____ , you will harm your lunges.
15_ firemen usually_____ fires with water
16_ wat is first aid ?
17_ what does a first aid instructor do ?
18_ what does a fire fighter do ?
19_ what does junk food mean ?
20_ how could people travel In the past ?
21_ _____in-on-of-at and for Are .
وينكم ياهل النخوة طلبتكم
ياليت اشوف الاجوبه عندكم