السلام عليكم
يعطيكم العافية يا اخواني اخوكم عايز اجابات لهذه الاسئلة فياريت احدكم يجاوبهم الي ويكون مشكور جدا جدا وبيعمل معروف معي.
السؤال الاول
describe your friend in ten lines
السؤال الثاني
Write a paragraph about the advantages of computer
السؤال الثالث
How can you best write about Palestine University
السؤال الرابع
Mention five uses of the period (fallstop)
السؤال الخامس
mention five uses of capitalization
السؤال السادس
Write a paragraph where you describe yourself
السؤال السابع
Write five sentences about the different meanings of "and
يا ريت يا اخواني اي واحد عنده جواب لاي سؤال ما يبخل علي بالاجابة وله جزيل الشكر والتوفيق.
uses of the period or (full stop ) (fallstop
1. Use a full stop at the end of a sentence:l
The man arrived. He sat down. l
2. Use full stops with abbreviations (in an abbreviation the last letter of the word and of the abbreviation are not the same):l
Co. (Company) l
etc. (et cetera) l
M.P. (Member of Parliament) l
3. Do not use full stops with contractions (in a contraction the last letter of the word and of the contraction are the same):l
Ltd (Limited) l
Dr (Doctor) l
St (Saint) l
4 Full Stop after Abbreviations
The full stop after abbreviations is optional in American English, but not usually used in British English.l
BE: Mrs Robinson, 5 kg, NBC
AE also: Mrs. Robinson, 5 kg., C.N.N. l
Don’t use a full stop after acronyms.l
Example: NATO, AIDS
uses of capitalization
mention five uses of capitalization
Different meanings of "and’
. (used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses) along or together with; as well as; in addition to; besides; also; moreover: pens and pencils.
2. added to; plus: 2 and 2 are 4.
3. then: He read for an hour and went to bed.
4. also, at the same time: to sleep and dream.
5. then again; repeatedly: He coughed and coughed.
6. (used to imply different qualities in things having the same name): There are bargains and bargains, so watch out.
7. (used to introduce a sentence, implying continuation) also; then: And then it happened.
8. Informal.to (used between two finite verbs): Try and do it. Call and see if she’s home yet.
9. (used to introduce a consequence or conditional result): He felt sick and decided to lie down for a while. Say one more word about it and I’ll scream.
10. but; on the contrary: He tried to run five miles and couldn’t. They said they were about to leave and then stayed for two more hours.
11. (used to connect alternatives): He felt that he was being forced to choose between his career and his family.
12. (used to introduce a comment on the preceding clause): They don’t like each other– and with good reason.
13. Archaic.if: and you please. Cf. an2.
14. and so forth, and the like; and others; et cetera: We discussed traveling, sightseeing, and so forth.
15. and so on, and more things or others of a similar kind; and the like: It was a summer filled with parties, picnics, and so on.
What are the advantages of computers for young children?l
Computers help children to be in control of their experience, to set their own pace, and to select the level of challenge with which they feel comfortable. l
Computers help children to use all of their senses to extract information. Computers fascinate kids and can draw their full attention, which often results in a deeper focus and concentration. l
Computers enable children to learn through creating, just as they gain hands-on knowledge and understanding when they build forts, make up stories, and paint, increase their skills
As they master computers, children build positive attitudes toward technology that will pay dividends for the rest of their lives. l
I hope someone else can help you with
your friend in ten lines
How can you best write about Palestine University
الله يعطيكي الف عافية يا ام بسمه جزاك الله الف خير والله اني لاعجز عن شكرك
الله يعطيكي العافية يا ام بسمه ويارب الله يوفقك ويحفظك ويخليكي وكثر الله من أمثالك من الناس الطيبين وشكرا