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♥ قصة the vain frog /مجهودي ♥

  • بواسطة

once upon a time there was a frog . one day , the frog came out of his home, and he called all the animals around there . l am a doctor , the best in the land. I’m an expert in medicine and can cure all kinds of pains and illnesses . ’ he said to the animals gathered around him .

A fox heard the frogs boastful remarks he called out tell me if you are so good a docter , why aren’t you able to take care of your own problems ?

what problems ? asked the frog .

how are you going to cure the illnesses of others if you cannot take care of your lame and legs and ugly wrinkled skin?
asked the fox.

moral :correct your faults first , before you correct others

مجهودي الشخصي


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