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Units 1,2&3 for Third Grade First Term

السلام عليكم أخواتي وإخواني أعضاء المنتدى
حبيت أشارك بهذا المجهود البسيط عله يعود بالفائدة على الجميع. وسامحوني إذا كان فيه أخطاء أو قصور.

to eat and oxygen to breathe.
Hundred of years ago, it was easy to get food and housing. Population was low and there was little industry. There was enough good land, clean water and fresh air. However, in the eighteenth century, the industrial Revolution began in England. The western world changed from an agricultural world to an industrial one. Many people moved from villages to cities in order to work. Industry grew very quickly. Since 1850, both the population and industry have increased rapidly. People need more land, more water and more resources daily. Industry affects the environment. Some of the effects are harmful, such as pollution.

B)- Choose the correct answers:
– 2 –

1)- Industry has increased since ………………………………
a – the beginning of the 20th century.
b – the end of the 19th century.
c – the middle of the 19th century.

في القطعه مكتوب في القرن الثامن عشر

والاختيارات مافيه القرن الثامن عشر

The answer is( c ) .If you read the passage carefully you would notice that the answer is in the following sentence: Since 1850, both the population and industry have increased rapidly.
I think you know how to change a year into a century and a century into a year.

الله يعطيك العافية يا أم ندوش ,

و لقد قمت بالعمل نفسة و لكن للأسف المحادثات و مواضيع الكتابة لم أقم بحفظها و لكن سوف أحاول كتابتها من جديد حتى يستفيد منها الأخرون .

أما هذا العمل الأخر فهو خاص بالصف الثاني ثانوي و هو و الحمد لله متكامل , او أرجو ذلك .

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