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الرئيسية » How can we solve this mystery?

How can we solve this mystery?

A man was suspended by the neck with a rope into a 4 meter high ceiling. The room was locked from inside in which indicated that he has hanged himself without any assistance from anybody else. To the surprise of the detective, the man was daggling from the ceiling with nothing on the ground. The question that the detective has to answer, was that how this man hanged himself without anything to stand on?

Be the detective and try to find out how he managed to hang himself without leaving any marks that explain how he did it.

Give it a try….?!!

Please, anyone already knows may not answer until later J


You mean searching

giving you a clue

He used something white

for more participations and thinking

I found it


I think
he stand on a big piece of ice

That is right you have got it right


fantastic puzzle


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