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A question to all English teachers

Are we slaves with technoloy or technoloy is slave with us ?

The answer of this question depends on your opinion
the answers should be variable

Thanks alot my brother شعبان عاشور but I’d like your opinion.

certainly we subdue the techology for the serves of the human being because we have the ability to lead it to anyrange that we desire

Thanks my colleague Waleed Al- Ali. May Allah protect you.

Thanks alot my colleague Waleed- Al- Ali .May Allah protect you.

I am wonder ful ,because the question it self suppoused to be :-are we slaves of technology or ——etc .In my own pairs of glasses : it is depends on how do you use the mean of technology .If you use it wisely then you are the master of it and viceversa . with my best wishes

Thanks my brother Abu-Bakr -Abdul-Qader for your comment.

I dont undrstand this question, r u serious ?

Thanks alot ThE eNgliSh PrInCe. The question is only for debate and discussin and I am not looking for the answer just I use it as amean for communication and I mean with the question ( هل الإنسان يتحكم بالتكنولوجيا كما يريد ام هو يتبع التكنولوجيا عن غير إراده منه0)

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