When I slept beside my tent. I saw a fearful dream. ghosts came to me and got me up. They siad) Eid will come . U must write congratulations to those poeple that u love them. I said leave my a lone Takfoooooon
Iam poor . Bedouin and illiterate. I do not konw the meaning of love.
they punished me deeply. My tears were like floodwater
after that, I sent my camel 2 u . there was a box on the back of the camel. there was a card inside it . I wrote on the card
TO greet u in the warmest way ,when Eid time is here with wishes for you
Happyiness today and through the year
wishing u all the happiness heartiest
Eid mubarak
kind thought and best wishes 4 Happy Eid
Tell me if the camel arrives without injuries
Your camel hasn’t arrived yet. I’ll let you know when I see him . I hope before Eid Aladhha.l
Do not worry . My camel is a dependable one but
maybe the Traffic Dept has stopped it for taxes
it will arrive sooner or later
UM Basmah If u see It Keep it in a safe place ,give it sweet of Al EId and some recommendations
:هدية حلوة:
Thank you Balsam
Muteb .. I haven’t seen your camel yet. I hope he didn’t get lost
Thank you Balsam
Muteb .. I haven’t seen your camel yet. I hope he didn’t get lost |
My camel arrived but u and her daughter killed it and invited your relative to eat it
i will complain
Did you mean me & my daughter???????l
Ha Ha Ha
والله ما شفناه ولا اكلناه
ما يصلح الحلف الا بالعربي
Here he is
alhamedlellah …..Do you see ?? He didn’t want to come befor Eid
So he is alive after all
When I was sleeping with my daughter
We heard something strange
, it was your poor camel, very tired and thirsty
with your box on his back, We opened it …….. and found your card . We were so pleased . l
Thank you
We are not bedwins . So we will send you our card in the internet
Here it is
u and your daughter decided to kill it 4 Eid
but when u listened that i would complain to police
u felt afriad then u left it
:هدية حلوة: :قبلة: :هدية حلوة:
أعفب على الأخت أم بسمة عيد الأضحى يسمى بالإنجليزيةgreater Bairam
وعيد مبارك على الجميع؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛