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" Hamlet

Hi every body iam happy to return here again
This is the famous play " Hamlet " . I love this play so much

– William Shakespeare –
(A.D 1564 – 1616 )

William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in the English literature. He wrote about thirty five plays, although he did not go to university. His best plays were "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet" and "King Lear". He wrote both tragedy and comedy plays which ended with unhappy endings. He became an actor but he continued to work as a playwright. He was born in Stratford, a town in the center of London but in 1594 he moved to London. He got married when he was eighteen to twenty six years old Anne Hathaway. Their first child, Susanna was born one year later. Five years later, his twins were born, Hamnet and Judith Shakespeare. Hamnet died at the young age of eleven, by which time Shakespeare was already a successful playwright. He died on his birthday on April 23rd 1616 ; he was fifty two years old.

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– About Hamlet –
Hamlet was likely written in 1600, but the date of composition is uncertain, most scholars think that the play came after Julius Caesar. The first reference to the play is by a printer named James Roberts. This text is only 2200 lines long, making it one of the shortest versions of the play. This version was later adapted into French by Francois de Belleforest in 1570. Hamlet is a play of questions. Unresolved questions are constantly being asked, about whether the ghost of Old Hamlet is friendly or a demon, or whether Ophelia commits suicide or dies accidentally. The inability to know the truth and to act on it is encapsulated in Hamlet himself, who is constantly seeking the answers to his questions throughout the play.

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– Short Summary for Hamlet Play –

Hamlet was the prince of Denmark. His father – the king – died, so his uncle Claudius became the king. His uncle married his mother soon after his father’s death while Hamlet was still mourning for his father. Hamlet hated his uncle for what he did. The guards of Ellsinore castle have brought along a scholar named "Horatio" because they claim to have seen a ghost, Horatio did not believe their story until the ghost actually appears. Then he tries to speak to it, but the ghost remains silent until it stalks away. Horatio told the guards that the ghost was dressed the same of the late king was dressed. The ghost reappears and Horatio begs it again to speak to him but the ghost vanishes. The guards and Horatio decide to tell Hamlet what they have seen. They arrive and tell Hamlet that they have seen his father’s ghost; Hamlet was extremely interested in seeing the ghost. At the night watch the ghost of his father appeared to him "Claudius killed me, you must kill him" the ghost said. He told him how his father died " He was sitting in the garden one day , asleep in his chair , when Claudius came up to him and poured poison into his ear , He was killed immediately" . Hamlet was confused whether to believe the ghost or not to believe it. Claudius was alone thinking of what he did, he was overcome with emotions, prays to heaven for forgiveness. He admitted to committing the murder of his brother. Hamlet entered silently with his sword and he was about to kill Claudius when he realized that Claudius was praying. Hamlet stopped and decided to wait until he can kill Claudius when his "soul may be damned and black as hell". So Hamlet was thinking of a plan to revenge from his father’s murderer. He found a plan to do that, but when he tried to kill him, he killed Polonius, Ophelia’s father by mistake. Hamlet’s fiancée died because she was so sad about her father. Her brother decided to kill his father’s murderer in a sword match .Laertes put poison on the tip of his rapier so that any small scratch would kill Hamlet, and Claudius poisoned a cup of wine to give it to Hamlet as a backup measure. In the sword match Claudius announce that if Hamlet scores a hit during the first, second, or third bout, then he will drop a valuable pearl into a cup of wine and give it to Hamlet. Hamlet scored a hit so Claudius dropped his pearl into some wine which he offered to Hamlet, but Hamlet refuses to drink because he was excited and he asked for other round. They fight again and Hamlet hit as well. Gertrude was thrilled at how well her son was fighting, took the cup of wine from Claudius and drunk it to celebrate Hamlet’s hit. Claudius realized that but he said nothing. In the fight Laertes slashes Hamlet with the poisoned foil, Laertes’s sword fell from his hands so Hamlet took it and hurt him too. They stopped fighting when they realized that the Queen was lying on the ground, she told Hamlet that it was the drink. She died, and Laertes told hamlet that he is going to die too from the poisoned tip. Hamlet took the poisoned wine and forced it into Claudius mouth until he felled onto the ground. Laertes was also on the ground at this point he forgave Hamlet for killing Polonius before he died too. Hamlet felled down himself on the ground but before he died he asked Horatio to tell the people the truth about why he killed Claudius and about what really happened.

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– Main characters list –

Prince Hamlet: son of King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. He is the main protagonist, who must decide whether to kill his uncle Claudius and revenge his father’s death. Hamlet is an introspective character who does not know whether to trust the ghost of his father or not. He hates his mother for marrying Claudius so soon after his father’s death, and he is in love with Ophelia until she rejects him.

Ghost of Hamlet: the ghost of the late King of Denmark. The ghost appears several times, but only speaks to his son Hamlet. He demands that Hamlet revenge his murder by killing Claudius.

King Claudius: the brother of the late King of Denmark and the uncle to Hamlet. He murdered his brother in order to seize the throne, and subsequently married Gertrude, the Queen of Denmark.

Queen Gertrude: the widow of the late King Hamlet, and the current wife of Claudius. She seems unaware that Claudius killed her former husband until Hamlet confronts her directly. However, she also believes that Hamlet is mad after he sees the ghost of his father in her presence, a ghost she cannot see.

Polonius: a lord who is the father of Laertes and Ophelia. He is the first to believe that Hamlet’s madness is the result of Ophelia rejecting him. Polonius is accidentally killed by Hamlet while eavesdropping on a conversation between Hamlet and Gertrude.

Laertes: the son of Polonius, he is first sent to France but returns when he learns that his father has been killed. He fights Hamlet in a sword match at the end, Hamlet killed him.

Ophelia: the daughter of Polonius, she is in love with Hamlet but rejects him after her father orders her to do so. She later goes mad after Polonius is murdered, and soon thereafter commits suicide by drowning herself.

Horatio: a friend of Hamlet who is the first to inform him about the ghost of Old Hamlet. He is the only friend Hamlet trusts by the end of the play, and he is ordered to reveal the true story of why Hamlet killed Claudius.

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… The End

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