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الرئيسية » Music . Is it a ****************? Discussion Corner

Music . Is it a ****************? Discussion Corner

By this question, I intend to open a Discussion Corner about the concept of **************** and whether, we may consider music as a ****************.

Thus, every body is invited to participate and share his opinion and visions.

The common simple definition of the **************** can be: "A means of communication that man uses to communicate with his fellow man." So, **************** is a conveyance of thoughts and ideas between peoples using some signals and sounds

On the other hand, Music serves the same purpose of communication but in its case, the feelings and not ideas are to be conveyed; and through Musical Ideas. Moreover, through music man can reach almost the same results reached through other ****************s like understanding of the other; their culture, values etc

Yet a great difference between music and ordinary **************** is: Music is common to all humankind. To understand music and receive its message, you do not need to study it like other ****************s. You only need to play it and feel relax– no matter from where it comes or who composes it. It is true we have been enjoying music from all parts of the world regardless the ****************s they speak. Is not it Fantastic?

Awaiting your say

thank you very much
Thanks for the idea
Its wonderful
i will revert to participate
in fact u lost me

i sudn’t get u clearly

..?cud u possibly be more kind and explaine more to me

waitin fOr Ur ReSpOnSe

TaKe CaRe


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