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Love and Time

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Love and Time Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that… Love and Time

مشكلة Run Time Error 3021

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حملت جدول العرف على وندز 8 و عند دخولي اسناد المراحل ومحاولة حفظ التعديل تظهر هذه الرسالة Run Time Error 3021 جرب الاتي http://www.alshref.com/vb/t350819.html

Time and Weather‏

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after بعد always دائما April نيسان August Ghusht آب bad weather طقس سيء cloudy غائم cold بارد cool رطب December كانون الأول everyday يوميا February شباط Fog ضباب foggy ضبابي hot حار January Yanayer كانون… Time and Weather‏